It's a totally revamped diplomatic deals screen, with an improved and expanded layout, easier to read and navigate offer area, color-coded icons, and more in-depth information. Over the time, some other UI mods were integrated into CQUI.
Right clicking the action panel (bottom right button) instantly ends turn even when things like production/research/unit moves have not been decided. Luxury resources are displayed in the top bar alongside strategic resources - image. "Smart Banner" Toggleable option to display a green icon indicating non-locked citizens and district icons indicating built districts - image. Growth/Amenities/Bordergrowth info baked into city banners - image. Unit actions like sell/delete are no longer hidden behind an expando - image. Enhanced, Civ V binding scheme with WASD assigned to camera control, Q/E assigned to city/unit cycling, and Shift assigned to shifting focus between city and unit selection modes. Classic, a faithful recreation of the Civ V binding scheme. Improved resource icons are dimmed to emphasize unutilized resources - image. Growth/Production progress is enumerated in the city panel - image. Citizen management icons are overhauled to make seeing yield info easier - image. Civic/Tech notifications spawned at 50%/100% research progress. Recommandation UI can be enabled/disabled. Optionally, the voiceover can still be kept even without the popup. Civilopedia remembers the last visited page. Tech/Civic Tree and Civilopedia now autofocus the searchbar. Enter key now bound to finalizing a pin in pin creation menu. Right click in pinlist to quickly delete pins. Diplomatic banner shows the scores of the civilizations - image. "My Government" tab removed from Government panel - image. Improved amenities city details screen (Clean Icons) - image. Production panel elements compressed and reordered - image. Linux : ~/.local/share/aspyr-media/Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Mods Mac : /Users//Library/Application Support/Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Mods If you want to have the cutting edge version (that might not be push on steam workshop) you can download this repository and place the cqui folder into your mod folder : Windows : Documents\my games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods If you want to install the latest official version, you can go to the steam workshop page of CQUI and add it to your game. This repository is the official repository of the CQUI steam mod.
It also have a lot of usefull functionnality that makes the game even better. It's an enhancement of the original UI that gives you the informations you need with less clicks. CQUI is an open source Civilization 6 mod that is maintened by it's communityĬQUI is an UI mod that helps you manage your empire faster and easier.